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> Ildaeil v1.3 released
On 2023-07-15 by falkTX

Hello again everyone, a new release of Ildaeil is here.
Ildaeil is mini-plugin host working as a plugin, allowing one-to-one plugin format reusage.
The idea is to load it as a plugin inside your DAW and then the other "real" plugin inside Ildaeil.
This allows, for example, a VST3 host to load LV2 plugins and vice-versa.

The main changes this time are automatic binary plugin scanning, exposing plugin presets and simplified standalone.
The automatic binary plugin scanning makes Ildaeil able to quickly list and load even more plugins than before.
Scanned plugins are cached so the scan only happens once per plugin (or until its binary is updated).

For the standalone, Ildaeil now has a single standalone variant instead of the old FX/Synth/MIDI separate programs.
In order to make this work in a more generic way, buttons for "enable midi" and "enable input" are shown when viewing a plugin's generic UI.
Also related to this, an online version is available at ildaeil.kx.studio, used for doing experiments with realtime audio and plugins on the Web.


Full changelog:

  • Add auto-scan of binary plugins (LADSPA, DSSI, VST2, VST3 and CLAP)
  • Add enable-input, enable-midi and buffer-size options for standalone
  • Add macOS standalone to release binaries
  • Add preset selector for plugins that expose them
  • Improve VST3 hosting
  • Initial experimental web version, public instance running at https://ildaeil.kx.studio/
  • Set GUI as resizable when running as standalone
  • Use a single standalone program instead of having Synth/FX/MIDI variants


The source code plus Linux, macOS and Windows binaries can be downloaded at https://github.com/DISTRHO/Ildaeil/releases/tag/v1.3.
Ildaeil is released as CLAP, LV2, VST2 and VST3 plugin, plus JACK/Standalone for some systems.

> Carla 2.5.5 released
On 2023-06-04 by falkTX

Hello again everyone, a new release for the Carla Plugin Host is here, v2.5.5 which brings a couple of fixes to the v2.5 series and internal tweaks for its future integration in OBS.
Worth noting that future releases of Cardinal and Ildaeil will depend on this version (or later) for their audio plugin discovery support.


  • Allow IPC during plugin discovery (controlled by external tools)
  • Expose a few extra APIs in carla-utils library
  • Install extra carla-utils related headers during `make install`
  • Fix invalid/empty LV2 paths for compatibility with lilv
  • Fix LV2 plugin state for plugin bridges
  • Fix showing engine device settings on systems without JACK
  • Fix usage with LMMS on Windows
  • Remove use of `REAL_BUILD` macro, no longer needed
  • Tweaks for integration in OBS
  • Other minor fixes and cleanup


To download Carla binaries or source code, jump on over to the KXStudio downloads section.
If you're using the KXStudio repositories, you can simply install "carla".
Bug reports and feature requests are welcome! Jump on over to the Carla's Github project page for those.

> Introducing AIDA-X
On 2023-04-25 by falkTX

Hello everyone, I would like to introduce a new audio plugin - AIDA-X.


AIDA-X is an Amp Model Player, it loads models of AI trained music gear which you can then play in real-time.
Its main intended use is to provide high fidelity simulations of amplifiers.
However, it is also possible to run entire signal chains consisting of any combination of amp, cab, dist, drive, fuzz, boost and eq.
See https://github.com/AidaDSP/AIDA-X for more details on the project, including documentation and downloads.

Behind the scenes AIDA-X uses RTNeural, which does the heavy lifting for model processing.
Similar to master_me, I did the desktop plugin related code so it obviously uses DPF for the cross-platform and plugin format support details.

This new plugin comes out of an effort from me, AIDA-DSP and MOD Audio.
Initially AIDA-DSP folks did the work to get RTNeural working as its own embed-focused LV2 plugin, together with figuring out the AI training details.
The initial idea was to have an LV2/MOD-specific plugin that would serve as "generic model loader", this is the aidadsp-lv2 project.
As part of my work for MOD Audio, I helped to get this LV2 plugin in a bit better shape and integrated on the platform.
You can see a nice, extensive discussion with Jatin (RTNeural's main author) regarding how to best approach a "load it all" with it here.

With all pieces in place the LV2 embed plugin was/is working quite well inside MOD units and other low-spec devices, but LV2 is not yet a widely supported format...
We did not want to have it as a niche plugin, the technology around it is getting a lot of attention lately because of how damn cool it is.
I took the initiative to make a desktop plugin for AIDA-DSP, based on DPF as usual, and then we built on top of that.

Model Training and Downloads

If you are interesting on capturing/training your own models, MOD Audio has created a dedicated Modeling Guide page.
There's a dedicated space for sharing and discussing all things related to Amp Models in the MOD Forum's Neural Modelling section.

Plugin Downloads

There are pre-compiled binaries for Linux, macOS and Windows which can downloaded at https://github.com/AidaDSP/AIDA-X/releases.
You can also find it in the KXStudio repositories as aida-x package.

And you can also try it live online at mod.audio/aida-x-online, though this last option uses pre-recorded audio loops instead of real audio input.

Enjoy and have fun!

> Carla 2.5.4 released
On 2023-03-13 by falkTX

Hello again everyone, a new Carla release is here, v2.5.4 which brings a couple of fixes to the v2.5 series.

Carla is an audio plugin host, with support for many audio drivers and plugin formats.
It has some nice features like automation of parameters via MIDI CC (and send output back as MIDI too) and full OSC control.


  • Fix crash/regression when using LV2 plugins without worker extension
  • Fix compat with PyQt >= PyQt 5.15.8
  • Fix macOS build
  • Simplify JACK event handling, now using a single queue on the main thread


To download Carla binaries or source code, jump on over to the KXStudio downloads section.
If you're using the KXStudio repositories, you can simply install "carla".
Bug reports and feature requests are welcome! Jump on over to the Carla's Github project page for those.

> Cardinal 23.02 released
On 2023-02-28 by falkTX

Hello again everyone, it is time for another Cardinal release.
Cardinal is a free and open-source virtual modular synthesizer plugin.
It is based on the popular VCV Rack but with a focus on being a fully self-contained plugin version.

The main change for this release is the introduction of a "Mini" variant.
This is a special variant with a very small, hand-picked module selection and limited IO (2 audio ports plus 5 CV).
There are 2 main reasons for this variant to exist:

  • make it easier for users new to the modular world to get a working setup, by only having some of the best possible modules available to choose from
  • hand-pick modules that are simple enough to work reliably in a remote setup

For now the list of selected modules is quite small, intentionally. We will add a few more as the need appears.
All included modules support polyphony, reducing confusion for new users not yet used to mono vs poly approach in Rack/Cardinal.

The 2nd reason (only having simple modules) is needed in order to support DSP/UI separation.
Having this in place means we can run the DSP on a different machine than the UI.
This is particularly interesting for running Cardinal on embed systems, being controlled remotely via web browser or native desktop application.
Already doable with LV2 from 23.02 onwards, used for MOD Audio builds (as seen in the screenshot).
Later on this will be made possible on standalone too.


There are a few module updates too, and some important bug fixes too, see the changelog below.


  • Add Mini variant (very few hand-picked modules, with separate DSP/UI under LV2)
  • Add wasm-noopt build, needed for some web browsers
  • Add CardinalMIDI variant for AU (same as CardinalFX but has different tag)
  • Allow to build without SSE optimizations (using `NOSIMD=true`)
  • Check /usr and /usr/local directories for existing Carla tools on macOS
  • Do not reset Host MIDI pitch when receiving an all-notes-off event
  • Fix display of Host CV in non-main variants
  • Fix LV2 not reacting to buffer-size changes
  • Fix VST3 "SDK" versioning to be more officially compatible
  • Remove the `NOPLUGINS` build option
  • Several performance optimizations

Module changes

  • Update Grande Modular to 2.7.2
  • Update Surge XT to 2.1.3


The source code plus Linux, macOS and Windows binaries can be downloaded at https://github.com/DISTRHO/Cardinal/releases/tag/23.02.
Cardinal is released as LV2, VST2, VST3 and CLAP plugin, plus AudioUnit and JACK/Standalone for certain systems.

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