KXStudio : News
KXStudio Monthly Report (February 2020)
On 2020-02-29 by falkTX
Hello everyone, it is time for another monthly report in regards to the KXStudio project.
First, there were many bugfixes made to Carla, we are very close to RC2.
I only have 2 things that I want to do before the RC2,
first being fixing multi-instance under multi-client mode and second is to finalize the last couple of bugfixes.
So the RC2 should be out in a few days, maximum weeks.
Second, something that came out of (re-)packaging WineASIO
(and moving away from Cadence, but that is a story for another day...).
I am taking over as maintainer of the WineASIO project.
WineASIO is something that is mostly "done", there is not much that we can add to it.
Since I have to keep it building in order to package it, I spoke with upstream and let them know I was available to take over.
(maintaince work is pretty minimal, just got to make it build basically)
We are trying to take over
organization, so we can place the source code repository in there.
If that takes too long, the repository will just end up at
as it is for the moment.
In any case, we will see v1.0.0 release of WineASIO quite soon!
The KXStudio repositories' armhf build of surge has been fixed.
I have opened a
pull request on upstream surge
to discuss the armhf/arm64 needed changes (basically a SSE2 to NEON conversion).
They are quite open to it, which is nice to see.
We just need to fix some minor things now and that could likely be part of 1.7.0 release later on.
Finally, these are the package updates made in the repositories:
- carla-git updated
- mod-cv-plugins updated to latest git
- sequencer64 updated to latest git, midi_control branch
- surge updated to 1.6.6
- cv-lfo-blender-lv2 added
- g2reverb added
- invada-studio-plugins (LADSPA) and invada-studio-plugins-lv2 added
- setbfree added, including VST2 version through lv2vst
- wineasio added
- zlfo added
That is all for now. Have a great weekend everyone! :)
KXStudio Monthly Report (January 2020)
On 2020-01-29 by falkTX
Hello all, another monthly report about the KXStudio project is here.
A few days ago, Carla 2.1-RC1 was announced.
As mentioned in that post, Carla's frontend move to C++ has started, for performance, reliability and debugging reasons.
It is going to be something that, even though means a lot behind the scenes, visibly nothing will change. (except performance)
Because of this, do not expect many UI related changes in Carla for the time being.
There were more package updates in the repositories. Those are:
- lsp-plugins updated to 1.1.13
- x42-plugins updated to 20200114
- distrho-ports updated (added Temper as LV2 and VST plugin)
- bchoppr added
- bslizr added
- bsequencer added
- bshapr added
- geonkick added
- mod-cv-plugins added
- noise-repellent added
- regrader added
A few of those were made possible thanks to LibraZik project, from which I imported a few.
I am quite grateful for them, and you should be too! :)
On a more personal side of things, I have started renting an office for work (both for employer and FLOSS stuff).
Its setup took most of the time on the holidays, and quite a fair bit in January too.
It is mostly done now, only final touches needed. It certainly helps as a kind of motivation boost, and as a way to keep focus too.
Next month will be slower than usual, as I plan to focus more on "boring" stuff like updating the website and documentation.
That is all for now.
Since I mentioned it, I leave you with a picture of the office (the working area).
See you next month!
Carla 2.1 RC1 is here!
On 2020-01-19 by falkTX
Hello again everyone, it is release day! (kinda, just a casual 4 days late...)
This is the announcement of the first release candidate of Carla 2.1.
I am skipping the beta phase as done for the 2.0 release and going straight into a Release Candidate.
This means there will be no more changes in the graphical user interface or engine/backend features, except when required for fixing bugs.
Carla projects/sessions are meant to be fully compatible between between 2.0 and 2.1 versions, except for features marked experimental.
The "native" API to access carla as plugin (as used by LMMS) is ABI and API-wise backwards compatible compatible with 2.0.
If this is not the case, consider it a bug that needs to be fixed.
As with the v2.0 release, the list of changes is a little big, so let's split it by parts.
First, the highlights and major changes, in no particular order of relevance.
Better CV SupportCV ports are now supported in the internal patchbay mode, meaning you do not need to use JACK with Carla in order to use CV plugins.
Automable parameters can now be exposed as a CV port, so they can be controlled by regular CV sources or other plugins.
In order to make CV more useful by default, a new internal "MIDI to CV" plugin was added, originally created by Bram Giesen.
Also, a new variant of Carla as plugin was created that provides audio, MIDI and 5 CV ports (for each side). |
Wine-native bridge, sorta experimental
This is a way to load Linux binaries under Windows applications running with Wine, in case you need that for some reason
This is available in the KXStudio repositories as "carla-vst-wine" package, you need to copy /usr/lib/winvst/Carla* into your Wine VST dll folder to make it work.
Building it is kinda tricky, as it requires building a native-windows dll first, and then a few things with winegcc... I demoed this feature at Sonoj last year (2019), you can watch it as the 3rd part of this video. |
More UI changes
The rack items will dynamically show as many knobs as possible
You can now change the "skin" and color of any rack item, making it easy to identify certain plugins
Added buffer-size, sample-rate and xrun information to the status; clicking on the xrun counter will reset it to zero
Canvas changes
Right-clicking on a canvas group will show options for quickly connecting all ports to another group
Many small tweaks and fixes, plus a few extra actions, as contributed by Nikita Zlobin (to be documented on the user manual)
Support for Ardour-style inline-displays, marked experimental in this release (sadly cannot be made stable until Carla v3.0)
Carla-control and OSC rework
Carla's OSC support has been reworked, now has its own dedicated page in the settings.
Carla-Control has been extended to support all non-local-dependent features of the main Carla (like patchbay management and transport controls).
This will be extended even further in future releases.
AU and VST3 support is back, by leveraging JUCE
Disabled during a previous 2.0 beta release, support for the JUCE library was removed and replaced by a heavily stripped-down version of it. (while it was still GPlv2 licensed)
The reasons for that decision still remain relevant, but in order to keep in mind with Carla's goals, I decided to add back JUCE support - but now completely optional.
It will always be possible to build Carla without JUCE, it is only used for extra hardware and plugin format support.
In fact, Linux builds by default do not use it, as there is no need for it.
Anyway, the published macOS and Windows Carla builds do use JUCE, which means Carla supports VST3 under macOS and Windows, and AU under macOS.
As a bonus, it is now possible to show the custom control panel of ASIO devices. :)
Worth noting is that JUCE does not support VST3 under Linux at this point, so neither does Carla even if you build it yourself with JUCE enabled.
Other changes
Within a bunch of small fixes and new implementations, here are some changes that deserve to be mentioned:
- Carla now requires Qt5, can no longer work with Qt4; but can still use LV2 Qt4 UIs with its built-in bridges
- NSM is now supported for JACK applications
- Added a 16 MIDI port mode for JACK applications
- Added "Cancelable actions" during project and plugin bridges load, so they will no longer time-out; instead the user has the option to cancel them at anytime
- Initial support for LV2 parameter API
- Initial support for LV2 file paths, assuming plugin has no custom UI (click on the show-gui button to open a file dialog)
Notes for developers and packagers
- Linking against the JACK library directly is now possible by using `make JACKBRIDGE_DIRECT=true`, which allows for building Carla as an internal client
Notes for users
The code for scanning plugins had a little rework, again, making some internal data structures change.
Because of this, a full rescan of your plugins is needed after the update.
To download Carla binaries or source code, jump on over to the KXStudio downloads section.
If you're using the KXStudio repositories, you can simply install "carla-git" (plus "carla-lv2" and "carla-vst" if you're so inclined).
Bug reports and feature requests are welcome! Jump on over to the Carla's Github project page for those.
Future and final notes
I have started a change of the Carla's frontend coding language, from Python to C++ (for performance, reliability and debugging reasons).
There are a few canvas related things, currently experimental, that can never be made stable or fast due to how Python/PyQt works.
Also Carla is not scaling very well at the moment, and the addition of CV controlled parameters and inline-displays does not help its case.
So a move of the entire frontend to C++ makes quite a lot of sense.
Whenever this is finished a new release will be made.
But it is going to be something that, even though means a lot behind the scenes, visibly nothing will change. (except performance)
Because of this, do not expect many UI related changes in Carla for the time being.
A user manual for Carla has been started.
It proved to be quite helpful for development too, as I had to justify why things are the way they are, and explain how they work too.
Now that Carla UI should not change too much for a while, it is the right time for such thing.
I personally dislike writing such things, but understand it can be quite useful.
The work-in-progress manual is at https://kx.studio/Documentation:Manual:Carla.
(Not much to see there at the moment though, give me time)
That's it.
Please remember that this is a release candidate, and not the final release.
Some issues are expected, I will do my best to fix all reports that get to me.
If I don't know about the issues though, I can't fix them. So please report any issues you find, thanks!
KXStudio Monthly Report (December 2019)
On 2019-12-16 by falkTX
Hello all, another monthly report about the KXStudio project is here.
There is not a whole lot of new exciting stuff this time around, as most of the time was spent on Carla new features and bug-fixing.
I am doing a push towards CV support in Carla (a "MIDI to CV" internal plugin was added, for example),
with only 1 new feature to be implemented - allowing to automate any regular parameter with CV.
The idea is to make it easier to automate things in Carla, by exposing individual parameters in the patchbay as CV ports.
There is only 1 month left for the planned release, so going to be tight on time, but still seems doable, specially with holidays coming.
(so more free time to work on this)
There were a few minor package updates in the repositories. Those are:
- x42-plugins updated to 20191215
- zam-plugins updated to 3.12
- sequencer64 added (Qt5 build from git master)
A new small extra repository has been created, one I have been using for some time now.
This came out of the necessity to update JACK2, but JACK not being something we can distribute in generic packages like KXStudio does for applications and plugins.
A few pieces of software, like JACK2 and other libraries, cannot be made into generic deb packages.
So, I want to create a few small but nice repositories for basic utilities and nice-to-have things.
For now, I have created a first, small one for Ubuntu 18.04 users (which includes me, obviously :P) which contains an updated JACK2, Wine-RT, among other small things.
You can find more details about this repository and all future ones coming soon at
In some news regarding the JACK2 project, it
has its own news page
now, so I won't be posting JACK2 related stuff here anymore.
The latest about it, which is worth mentioning, is that its mailing list is back online once again! \o/
Cadence v0.9.1 was released, just tagging it in its git repo so distributions can pick it up.
It was mostly needed due to an incompatibility with Python 3.8.
And finally, donations for the KXStudio project (basically myself) are open once again, now even with a Patreon page.
In the past I mentioned that, due to legal costs, it was not worth having them while in Germany and I would open them again once I moved.
That happened a few months ago, but I dislike dealing with these things, so it took some time...
They are open once again now, though I removed the PayPal subscription option and counter for now.
(I am intentionally not posting the link here, I trust that if you care enough, you know where to find it)
Next month hopefully a new Carla release will be here.
Catia will be made into a standalone project, leaving Cadence behind. But that is news for another time... :)
KXStudio Monthly Report (November 2019)
On 2019-11-16 by falkTX
Hello everyone, it is time for another monthly report in regards to the KXStudio project.
First, the most important I think, some small repository changes have been made.
I added a "KXStudio" suffix to the repository names, so you get stuff like "KXStudio Plugins" in your package manager now.
This was requested by a user, and makes a lot of sense.
The bad news is that your package manager is likely to complain about the changes, as it thinks it is a sign of trouble.
That is not the case though, as I am here just informing you of that. :)
A quick "solution" to this is to simply delete the cached apt list information, so the package manager will not have the previous repository title, like so:
sudo rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
There were a few new packages added to the repositories.
First, for the basic infrastructure, we got meson 0.51.2 and premake5. A few projects need this in order to build, so we got to have them first.
The more exciting ones are added and updated application and plugins, the changes on that are:
- drumgizmo updated to 0.8.1
- fluajho updated to 1.4.1
- moony updated to 0.30.0, enabled inline display
- patroneo updated to 1.4.1
- vico updated to 1.0.1
- surge added
- dragonfly-reverb added
- hybridreverb2 added
- wolf-shaper added
- wolf-spectrum added
Lastly, preparations for the next Carla release are well under way.
I was able to update and build generic Windows and Linux binaries (with Qt 5.9), and macOS is mostly working but still needs some fixing.
In the past I used to do a bunch of beta releases until the final one was declared stable.
I am going against this now, and will directly do a "Release Candidate" where no more new stuff can be added, only bug-fixing.
The next "Linux Audio release day" is January 15, so that will be the target date.
PS: Many of the new packages were imported from the LibraZik project, for which I am extremely grateful for.
The surge armhf build fails at this point, to be fixed soon.
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