Home KXStudio > Applications > Carla-Control

KXStudio : Applications : Carla-Control

Carla is an audio plugin host, with support for many audio drivers and plugin formats.
Carla-Control is a remote control application for Carla, providing the same interface but with the real backend running on a different machine.

The Interface





Carla-Control is available in the KXStudio repositories, Fedora and ArchLinux (all with 'carla' package name).

Pre-compiled binaries are available for Linux, macOS and Windows (version 2.5.9).
Linux 32bit (requires Qt 5.9 or higher)
Linux 64bit (requires Qt 5.9 or higher)
MacOS universal build (requires macOS 10.12 or higher)
Windows 32bit
Windows 64bit

The latest source code is hosted on github, together with bug reports, feature requests, etc.
Project page
Source code (zip)
Bug reports / Feature requests